James Oscar King
Lynn County News, September 6, 1964
J.O. King, 82, Dies Wednesday
J.O. King, 82, of Wilson, pioneer retired Lynn County farmer, died suddenly of a heart attack Wednesday at about 11:20 a.m. after collapsing in Lubbock at 13th Street and Avenue H. He had just left the car and was going to a nearby store when fatally stricken.
Funeral services will be held at 10:00 a.m. Friday in Wilson Methodist Church with the pastor, Rev. W.O. Rucker, Jr., officiating. Burial will be in the Tahoka Cemetery under the direction of White Funeral Home.
James Oscar King was born April 7, 1882, at Corsicana, Navarro county. He was reared in Montague county. He came to Lynn county in February 1904, to work for the Dixie Ranch north of Tahoka. There he met Minnie Lee Luttrell, also working at the ranch, and they were married on August 4, 1904, at the Luttrell home southeast of Tahoka. They observed their 60th wedding anniversary just a few weeks ago.
They farmed in the Midway and Three Lakes communities before buying a farm near Dixie in 1914 where they lived until retiring in 1952 and moving to Wilson.
Survivors include the wife; two daughters, Mrs. G.P. Bailey of Odessa and Mrs. Lee Taylor of Morton; four sons, Rev. John Paul King of Gary, Okla., James Lemuel of Panhandle, Wilson of Oklahoma City, and Lonnie of Plainview; two sisters, Mrs. J.B. Durham of Lubbock and Mrs. Emma McDaniel of Farmington, N.M.; 16 grandchildren and 14 great grandchildren.
Pallbearers will be Chester Swope, Luke Coleman, James Savell, Charlie Lichey, Clarence Church and Robert Lamb
Contributed by John King.